I ne'er breathed 'til I first cried;
And cry, I now; since humanity has died.
Yes, the world is dead! D-E-A-D!
Yet, I still pray for my daily bread...
D-E-A-D? Is that what you heard me squeal?
Oh yes! Isn't it the dead who do not feel?
I am an object of your desire- amorous;
To you, I'm "raven-haired", I'm "glamorous"!
But was that a boon? Or was that MY bane!
I unknowingly trudged the Devil's lane...
You penetrated my innocence, for your delight!
In God-knows-how-many houses of the night.
"Godparent" has since been given a new meaning;
Something shamefully demeaning!
This "(gl)amorous one" has been grounded,
Ever since the fleur-de-lis was upon me, branded!
As I await her Ladyship to remove her famous blindfold,
I can only but feel life ebb, and cease to hold...
Dedicated to ‘innocence’ that has been torn away from the many innocents worldwide. Please… Let us join hands to stop child trafficking and abuse/pornography.
If my readers have made posts on the same motion, I urge them to post the respective url here. I wish to link them to this article. Feel free to link this piece with your posts as well. Peace.
Ms. Asbah Alaena links her creation - Pyari Lekri.
Ms. Aayushi Singh links her creation - And Life Shall Go On
Ms. Mona Aiyar links her creation - Attacked Innocence...
Ms. Pratibha Sofat links her creation - She
Very well written and hope people be people rather be an animal.
brilliant. Second stanza is simply mind blowing.
u r rite,innocence is lost.
Hey Krtz,
I agree with you regardiing the innocence lost, but i raise a question here.. who is responsible? talk to any one human being on the planet, everyone thinks they r intellectuals, they ll have to say something or other about it, but then i ask, if everyone is so concerned, who is responsible? I am reminded of the movie- the monsoon wedding, if u have watched it, you would definitely catch my point..
And b'fully framed.. I am already a fan I told u =)
And another b'ful piece find it here, (its not mine)
Indeed... But man is a 'social animal'; bottomline, an animal nevertheless.
Thanks... :)
Thanks for reading...
nice one dude..though poems are never my thing i enjoyed it...
Thanks. I've not watched the movie you mentioned; but I can relate a chilling dialogue from Kalyug- "As long as there is demand, there *will* be supply."- the words of Simi Roy (portrayed by Amrita Singh)
Anyway, this is just an attempt to make a difference. Quite sure there are others who can make a difference too.
Glad you liked it. Peace.
these are the things ht make me wonder y we call ourselves the superior being... SIGH... wts the world comin too... n all cuz of us humans
:) I know... Unfortunately, they are my thing. ;) Glad you liked it bro'...
@me mini mini mouse
I wonder too. This is Earth, this is life...
aaaahhhh nice! sensitive topic to pick up... but one that needs attention.. and well written indeed!
nicely penned...!!
good you dedicated it for a cause..!!
Thank you so much...
@vinz aka vinu
Thanks; I hope this is just one of many more to come. Welcome to Contorted Reality and feel free to drop in again.
Peace, and have a nice day.
he he ... that was brilliant man .. THAT was worth publishing ...period.
really loved it man..
a timely one at that!
really touching post.. and especially on a non violence day..
ppl still dont change..
@descrying the shadows
Thanks a ton, bro'... :)
Gracias amigo...
Thanks! And hopefully, they will. :)
wow! jst wow!..
hey.. wish u d written this earlier.. coz there was a contest goin on on blogger- article or poetry on child- abuse! it s ended nw bt! :(
loved these lines..
“Godparent” has since been given a new meaning;
Something shamefully demeaning!
This “(gl)amorous one” has been grounded,
Ever since the fleur-de-lis was upon me, branded!
Thanks. :) Well, I'm not too bothered about contests. The cause is more important. :)
Glad you liked it...
Amazing post. Touched me deeply. You wrote for a good cause, and I wish you all the luck with your words!
Thank you for your kind words... And welcome to Contorted Reality.
oh and yes.. I'm following ur blog. Hope you don't mind:)
Very well written,and for such a worthy cause!I wrote one on similar lines here :
a really nice one.. :)
jeez...nice stuff...I wrote something on innocence but it doesnt deal with porn or somesuch...you can check it for yourself and decide if you want to link it...
Scribblers Inc.
:) Merci, mmle!
Ah! I think I have read that... I would like to link it with your consent.
Muchas gracias amigo...
@Scribblers Inc
Welcome to Contorted Reality mon ami... Thank you for the drop-in, and I will check your work presently.
Feel free to visit again. Peace, and have a nice day.
Sure you can!I will do the same for that post :)
Merci beaucoup! :) Linked!
nice thot..just chek my blog at prajnyacreations.blogspot.com
Nicely written!
and yes we hav lost the innocence the truth the emotion.
lovely piece by U Karthik.
Clap clap!
Welcome, again. Thanks for your feedback.
@Priya Joyce
*takes a bow to the applause*
Muchas gracias.
u'll lose the widgets. But I had copied all the codes of the current widgets in a txt file..so just had to copy them. Nevr tried ti change the 'posted by' stuff:D
If u want to put new 3rd party templates or just the codes of old one, its easy
btw, my mail id is blazeofglory2007@gmail.com
saddening, I wrote three poems on sexual abuse one of child abuse... you read the third poem though!!
saddening yes! very very!
my poem: http://charcoals.blogspot.com/2008/08/pyari-lekri.html
Welcome back. Thank you for the share.
I know, very saddening.
Karthik, I know how tough it is penning down social issues.All i can say is, you have done the task very well, without getting aggressive. The problem with me, unfortunately is my rampancy in writing that makes me deal with social issues in an aggressive manner.
Kudos!Keep the words flowing!
I hope this is just the beginning of many more to come... And thank you for those kind words.
And... Aggression, if channelled in the right direction, can help you achieve what you want. It is within you.
Welcome to Contorted Reality. Do drop-in again...
Have a nice week.
well,chek out a story at anwesananda.blogspot.com too
Gratias; and welcome to Contorted Reality.
Have a nice week.
Will do.
Hi mate,
Sorry for the late reply.Hats off for taking up a wonderful cause and writing a poem that touched the deepest of my heart.It really was heart warming.Try sending this poem to Dr. Abdul Kalam. I am saying this because I had a friend who got poems published through him.That way,you will be able to reach a greater audience.
stunningly true... ur words hit the heart !! a wonderful post... may it ignite the essence of humanity which seems to b lost into oblivion... cheers!!
Stark reality.
Makes an impact Bro!!
keep it rollin ;)
Thanks buddy. Welcome to my blog.
Thanks. I hope your wish comes true.
Thanks a ton. Much appreciated.
had read this before..enjoyd it now..wil read it again!
hope that just explains how beautifully u've crafted it! :)
More power to your mighty pen.
Thanks a ton... :)
@Jayu Auntie
Thank you so much! Coming from you... I treasure it!
Bravo Kartzmagus.This is subject on which I have very strong views-the lowest scum on this earth are the predators who hurt children.They are degenerate,vile and puke inducing.
Have written a short story about this,will tag you.
This should be written about,discussed and condemned.
Bravo Kartzmagus.This is subject on which I have very strong views-the lowest scum on this earth are the predators who hurt children.They are degenerate,vile and puke inducing.
Have written a short story about this,will tag you.
This should be written about,discussed and condemned.
:) Thanks, again...
Brilliantly written.
innocent children lose their childhood all for the desire of 1 person..shameful..
do check my blog have read on a couple of them
innocent children lose their childhood all for the desire of 1 person..shameful..
do check my blog have read on a couple of them
Merci, madamoiselle...
Thanks, dude... :)
thanks for the link :) liked the way this write went ...
@Pretty Me
Thanks for the prompt read. I appreciate it.
Ouch. Very well written :)
Thanks. :)
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